Struggling With Chronic Migraines?

Learn How The Reed Procedure℠ for Chronic Migraines Restores Lives.

The Reed Procedure℠ is a groundbreaking peripheral nerve stimulation treatment designed for chronic, severe migraine headaches. With an impressive success rate exceeding 80%, the Reed Procedure℠ has proven effective for patients who haven’t responded to traditional migraine treatments.

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Procedures performed - lives restored
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Patents for Migraine Procedures
Published Medical Journals & Articles

What is the Reed Procedure℠?

This migraine surgery entails implanting an advanced neurostimulator device under the skin in targeted areas to manage migraine headaches.

With an impressive success rate exceeding 80%, the Reed Procedure℠ has proven effective for patients who haven’t responded to traditional migraine treatments.

Why Choose US Migraine?

80% Proven Success

with over 100 peer-reviewed medical papers confirming success

30+ Years

US Migraine specialists have been performing the Reed Procedure℠ since 1992.

Medical Partners

Partnered with Mayo Clinic and other leading institutions.

In the News

The Reed Procedure℠ has been documented on the news and The Doctors.

Real Life - Real Stories

Watch our patients share how they beat chronic migraines with our treatment. Their journeys from pain to freedom highlight the life-changing benefits of our unique approach.

These testimonials are not just stories; they’re proof of what’s possible. Inspired to start your own journey to a migraine-free life? Watch the video to learn more!


It’s a great place to go. They helped me. No headache now.


I just had my permanent implant surgery yesterday. I am so happy and grateful to have the amazing opportunity to get my life back. The staff and Dr. Will were so attentive and made me feel more relaxed. Thank you so much!!


The best thing I’ve ever done. I have been in pain with migraines for five years. I had to quit my job and driving. Noise and lights were debilitating. Now I don’t hurt from the lights or loud noises. Thanks for the Reed procedure!


Suffered almost every day for almost 29 years. Has been a real life changer for not only me, but my family. If migraines are controlling you, instead of you controlling them, please give Reed Migraine Centers a call. Everyone has been so compassionate, friendly and professional. Stop the suffering!


I’ve been living in my own personal heaven on earth the last year and a half since having my Reed Implant. I could not be happier.


“Dr. Reed has made the biggest difference in my life.”


Can hardly wait. Had my trial last month, permanent 8/31. Works amazing. I have had migraines for over 50 years and tried so many things.


I had the permanent procedure done last week and have not had a migraine yet. Would definitely recommend anyone considering it to definitely try the trial procedure. You have nothing to lose except the migraines!


I just had this procedure done is June and it has literally changed my life! I can make plans now and do them without fear of ‘I might have a migraine’.


“I’m now 4 weeks post-migraines! Life is great again. Dr. Reed, you are giving hope to all migraine sufferers. I had reached the end of all conventional therapies and your device has changed my life and the lives of my whole family. Thank you and your partner Dr. Will. I don’t think I would be alive today if I hadn’t found you both.”



Are you a good candidate for the Reed Procedure℠? Find the answer to this question and more by watching our free informational webinar.